Caloosa Winnies of South Florida


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WIT Club Chapter of Excellence 1996-2016


Febuary 2008 outing

 Sun Lake RV Resort in Ruskin, Florida was the destination for the Caloosa Winnies February Campout. On January 31st  18 coaches began rolling in, including co-hosts Bill & Sue Fuss, Charlie & Ellen Zucker, Nancy & Jerry Miller. 

The recreation hall tables were all decorated in red as we celebrated Valentine’s Day. Sue made beautiful table decorations, including big tissue paper flowers and places cards with each members picture. We welcomed special guests,  WIT Eastern Area Reps Dick & Mikki Dodge, Ray & Lois Voss, WIT members from Minnesota. Ray is president of WITCARS Ham Radio Group. 

We welcomed new members Gary & Gail Darner, Peter & Corinne Wightman.

 Bud & Sue Swift, friends of Ceil & Jack Hanna also came to visit and decided to join our group! WELCOME to our new members, we’re delighted to have you! 

At 4:00pm we headed to Roaring 20’s Restaurant and Theater Organ Concert Hall for dinner and the wonderful concert on the 1920’s organ. It was a wonderful experience  of food and music which was enjoyed by all. The remainder of the evening cards and games were on tap at Sun Lake.

Friday morning the sun was up early and so were the cooks preparing a pancake breakfast with all the trimmings. The morning activity was a trip to the Ruskin Weather Station where we saw first hand how they track storms and predict the weather. Lunch was served at Sun Lake including homemade soup and sandwiches. At 1:30 the Winnebago Races began.

The minature motorhomes were set up on a track taped on the tables,  bets were placed, the dice were tossed and the winners collected their prizes. To test our brain skills a word scramble contest was passed out that listed the names of Winnebago/Itasca coaches going back to the 1960’s. This was a real challenge, the winners were the team of Ellen Zucker & Mikki Dodge.

 At 4:00pm Happy Hour commenced, along with a 50/50 drawing. Jack Hanna set up a dinner for us at the Elks Club nearby and we all enjoyed the Fish Fry. Back at Sun Lake our contest of the evening was guessing “Who’s Who”. Sue made posters of the members old pictures from childhood, weddings, school, etc.  and we had to guess who was who! This brought lots of laughs – and surprises! The winners with the most correct guesses were Bob & Jackie Coy.

Saturday morning we all made “Omelets In A Bag”, our own special concoctions, and they all turned out great!! Everyone brought a dish to pass and we had a banquet to say the least! The business meeting was started by President Jerry Miller at 10:00am, including the final plans for the Winnie Gators State Rally coming in March and our final decorations plan. We also shared techical tips on RV’s with member Chris Ross bringing step by step directions how to restring coach blinds. That was a welcomed tip! Walter Feldgoise also brought information on replacement under sink water filters. Jerry Miller also mentioned the easy way to clean bugs of the RV is with a wet dryer sheet. THANKS to all for these great tips!

Our “Skinnie Winnies” group, 4 members who have View & Navion coaches were all parked in a small space and because they were really squeezed into the space, President Jerry Miller presented Kathryn Griffin, Walter Feldgoise, Gary & Gail Darner, Pete & Corinne Wightman the “EXSQUEEEEEEEEZE ME” award for their great sacrifice & comraderie!

The afternoon was free time for exploring the area, napping, shopping, checking out motorhomes, and at 4:00pm we gathered once again for Happy Hour. Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes was served for dinner, along with wonderful dishes prepared by our GREAT cooks! Cards and games were on the agenda for the rest of the evening.

Sunday morning was our traditional bagel, donut, muffin, fruit breakfast before we all said our goodbyes. THANKS to our co-hosts for providing another wonderful weekend of fun and fellowship.

Leaving the rec hall spick and span.

If you are traveling in our area consider yourselves invited to attend our campouts! Check the Who’s Inviting Travelers section for our schedule!

Nancy Miller