Febuary 2013 Outing
Pictures by Nancy Miller
“SUPERBOWL WEEKEND” was the theme for the Caloosa
Winnies meeting February 2 – 5, 2013 at Lazy Days RV Resort in Seffner
Florida. We were happy to share the weekend with members of the
Buccaneer Winnies, Spacecoast Winnies and Pete & Gayle Putman from
Funtime Travelers. 35 coaches enjoyed all the festivities beginning with
Happy Hour on Saturday at 4:00pm. We also welcomed guests Larry & Doris
Pigg who actually joined as members before the weekend ended! They were
recruited by our new members Ed & Carolyn Thomas. Both couples actually
bid on the same coach at an RV show! Larry & Doris won, but Ed & Carolyn
got one a little later! We’re delighted to have them all as new members!
Saturday evening we all traveled to nearby Golden
Corral for a huge feast at their buffet! After dinner we all returned to
the Rec Hall for a game prepared by Chris Ross which was played in
teams. It brought lots of laughs as we all competed for a prize of
chocolate footballs!
Sunday morning the caterer at the park put on
breakfast for us which was a huge spread to get our day off to a good
start. In the afternoon we played Bingo with the winners splitting the
pot of money collected.
Lazy Days set up a big screen TV in the Rec Hall
for us which was awesome! Everyone brought heavy Hors d’Oeuvres – you
never saw so many tables filled with such great food!! As the game
progressed with everyone watching and rooting for their favorite team
the co-hosts were setting out ice cream and toppings for half time
treats! Jerry Miller organized a football pool for the winners based on
the game score which added to the fun! Most everyone stayed around until
the game ended many hours later – and of course we enjoyed all the wacky
commercials on the big screen!
Monday morning we held our Potluck Breakfast –
again with tables filled with great food! The “Team Meeting” (business
meetings) were held at 10:00am with much discussion about the upcoming
March Rally and our parking duties. David Nobert and Pete Wightman
outlined what the tasks will be and have organized a schedule to make
the parking go very smoothly.
In the afternoon many members went to visit a local
Manatee Viewing Area, thanks to Bud Swift for organizing the event.
There was a nice museum and guides to give information and answer
Back at the Rec Hall it was time for Happy Hour at
4:00pm, followed by dinner of “Walking Tacos” prepared by the hosts!
This was a fun event – some have never had this treat so it was a nice
surprise for them! The members brought dishes to compliment the tacos
including GREAT desserts! Chris Ross had more games for us to play – a
Memory Game of looking at a table of football items and returning to
seats to try to remember what was there! Then another relay game by
teams of carrying a football across the room on a spoon and passing the
spoon off to teammates. Lots of laughs and cheers for the teams and it
was a fun game!
Tuesday morning was our traditional donut & bagel
breakfast before we all traveled home. We like to have visitors to our
group so be watching our website. Also check the website
for our schedule.
Submitted by
Nancy Miller